Nov 10, 2010



It is very difficilt for the Travellers to know the Names and Train Time to Travel from a particular place to another place at particular Time. To consider this We create this website. We give not only the Train names but also we give all the particulars(full) including Fares(Class wise), Time etc. for all the trains which are running from and to Chennai not only inside Tamilnadu but also througout India(Important Stations).

Besides this we give the details for delay train also in future.

For the Train Travellers it is very important to know the classes. According to the class only the train fares will differ. So we give the Train Class Codes Below:

  • First class Air-Conditioned (AC) (Code:1A). The Executive class in Shatabdi type trains is also treated as Ist AC.
  • AC 2-tier sleeper (Code:2A)
  • First class (Code:FC)
  • AC 3 Tier (Code:3A)
  • 3 E - AC 3 Tier Economy
  • AC chair Car (Code:CC)
  • Sleeper Class (Code:SL)
  • Second Sitting (Code:2S)


  • Berths
  • Seats
  • Chair car

Our Indian Railways gives us various concession on Railway Fares. We give the details below: